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About Me.

A woman who wear many  different hats. I'm Tarin! Now, how could I let y'all keep scrolling without getting a little personal?! Kidding, I'll leave that deep stuff for the blog. I'm a mother,  blogger, content creator, & brand developer. I don't know how else to put it other than I just want to help people! 


I've been blogging for about 4 years now, it all started when I had my daughter and used it as an outlet as I was going through postpartum-depression. From there, I just expanded! I didn't talk about just motherhood - I opened up about my struggles with anxiety and depression. I started a lifestyle Youtube channel and all in the midst of that I was teaching myself to be a creative and didn't even know it. I started taking classes, webinars, purchasing eBooks and really teaching myself the game. I started promoting my blog heavy but in order to do that I had to come up with a plan, what to post, and how I wanted to deliver my message which all led me here. One thing that always remained the same was my drive to help others around me. 


I hope you continue this journey with me! I hope to be apart of yours! It's about to get real successful over here.  


with love,

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